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 蜘蛛的新AI New Spiders AI  新的叶子视觉 New Leaf Rendering
 增加更多创造模式刷怪蛋 Added More spawn eggs in Creative mode  为安卓增加“真实模式” Added Immersive Mode for Android
 增加水和岩浆的滴落 Added Drip particles for Water and Lava  更新了世界生成界面 Updated Create World Screen


 11层有岩浆 Lava at the bottom of the caves  沙漠和平顶山表面的洞穴 Lava at desert and mesa
村民 Villagers   村庄 Villages
 要塞 Strongholds  废弃矿井 Abandoned Mineshaft
 超平坦 Flat world generations  受限制世界的大小 Limited World Generations
 新的生物的生成 New Mob Spawning  更新的光照系统 Updated Light Generation
 不同草的颜色 Grass Colors for Different Biomes  不同叶子颜色 Folidge Colors for Different Biomes
 沼泽的水颜色 Water Colors for Swamps  


 正确的半砖台阶刷怪蛋名字 Correct names for slabs, stairs and spawn eggs  现在只有和平模式床能回血了 Beds no longer gives full health in Normal diffeculty
 为床,栅栏,圆石墙,蜘蛛网,箱子,树叶增加平滑光照 Smooth Lighting Added for:(以上各种的英文)  移除萤石,玻璃,南瓜灯的平滑光照 Smooth Lighting Removed for: Glowstone, Glass and Jack O' Lantern
 更好的TNT Increased Performance of TNT  好看的云 Prettier Clouds!
 基岩黑雾 The Fog is Darker Underground  



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